
‘Onboard’ is the overarching strategy for Warrenpoint Port’s involvement in the local community. This covers everything from engagement with locally elected representatives, community groups and schools to the Christmas Community Fund and quarterly ezine. 

Recent Community Activities

On BoarD

On Board has its own email address where members of the community can engage directly with the Port on local matters.

The Port strives to be a good corporate citizen with an open and transparent line of communication to the neighbourhood in which its team lives and works.

Check out the gallery for photos below of past community activities; get involved by applying to be a recipient of our Christmas Community Fund; Download recent editions of On Board; sign up to the newsletter to receive On Board direct to your email address; or check out the News and Downloads section for recent community activity.

Community Gallery

Get Involved

Warrenpoint Port is committed to supporting the Community in which it operates. Every Christmas it offers a Community Christmas Fund. The Port team, customers and stakeholders raise money throughout the year to be added into the Fund. Local organisations from schools and playgroups to charities and voluntary groups can apply to the fund to receive support in the lead up to Christmas.

The core objective of the fund changes each year to reflect the needs of the local community.
Each application is reviewed on its merits before the fund is allocated. Applicants are asked to confirm in 200 words or less how they meet the criteria and how much they are requesting.

In 2023/4 more than £30,000 was donated to 70+ different organisations.
The scheme is currently closed but will reopen in November 2024.

OnBoard Ezine

Click to download each edition below.


+44 (0)28 417 73558